Selasa, Maret 02, 2010

Postingan Iseng Menunggu Hujan Reda

lagi iseng ujan2 ga ada kerjaan.... buka2 file download-an di komputer eh ketemu conversation log omegle-an gw jaman dulu...
kocak juga ngeliatnya lagi... :D

Omegle conversation log 2009-09-25
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey you
You: hi
Stranger: what u up to?
You: nothing....
You: just killing my time
Stranger: until what?
You: don't know... what about u.?
Stranger: just working
Stranger: waiting for lunch
Stranger: im so hungry
You: so.. why don't you just take your lunch..?/
Stranger: have to wait until a cerrtain time
Stranger: annoying i know
You: haha...
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: go get me some lunch
You: haha...
You: what do u like.??
Stranger: Subway!
Stranger: Meatball baguette!
Stranger: 12 inch!
You: hmmm...
You: don't want to try some vegies..??? haha
You: it's good for you...
Stranger: not time for those
Stranger: waste of space
Stranger: u a veggie?
You: not...
You: i like junk food sometimes
Stranger: like what?
You: is burger junk enough..??
Stranger: def1
Stranger: but still good
You: yeah
Stranger: i love burgers
Stranger: i love all meat!
You: what burgers..?
Stranger: lamb, beef
Stranger: cheese
You: i like the chesse one
Stranger: all kind of cheese
Stranger: with the works
Stranger: ha!
Stranger: where u from?
Stranger: what are the burgers like there?
You: jakarta
Stranger: Inida?
Stranger: Whats ur naem?
Stranger: name
You: pras
Stranger: Pras?
Stranger: Sorry is that male or female?
You: male
You: you?
Stranger: female
Stranger: my name's alexis
Stranger: i'm 14 from London
You: from..??
You: oh
Stranger: why do you come on Omegle then?
You: killing my time.. remember.??
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: what do u look like then?
You: oh .. there's a burger king in jakarta
You: i'm 21
You: brown skin
You: black hair like all asian i think
You: you.?
Stranger: im quite petite
Stranger: long brown hair
Stranger: tanned skin
You: nice
Stranger: blue eyes
Stranger: quite athletic
Stranger: thanxs
You: i like english premiership anyway
You: hahah
Stranger: dont really watch football
You: oh
You: not going to school alexis..??
Stranger: You i do! lol!
Stranger: still in my school uniform now but bunking off
Stranger: lol
You: uniform..??
Stranger: im naughty! lol
Stranger: clothes
You: naughty like what..?
You: escape from math class..?
You: haha
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: naughty like not going to school....
You: it's common...
You: we are get bored sometimes
Stranger: yeah all the time
Stranger: need somthing to distract me
You: do you like music..?
Stranger: yeah
You: what kind..??
Stranger: all kidsn really
Stranger: u?
You: hmmm.... i like mew... danish band.... do you know..?
Stranger: no
Stranger: gotta go soon
You: oh.. bye...
You: nice 2 talk with u
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Omegle conversation log 2009-09-25
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hallo
You: hey
Stranger: whats happening?
You: don't know.. what do you think..?
Stranger: i think that fish is crazy man....talking about the cat in that way
Stranger: pfft, disreeeeeespect
You: what fish?
Stranger: the one here
Stranger: u not got a fish?
You: uh... no
You: what it is..?
Stranger: guppy
Stranger: but dude, its seriously a crazy one
Stranger: are you googling it?!
You: what kind of crazy it is..?
Stranger: little, real Ker-azy
Stranger: always talking about how it wants to get out the bowl to bitch slap the cat
You: hahahaha... realy..?
Stranger: what do you think??
You: i think it's crazy enough
Stranger: thanks for the agreement there
Stranger: so who do we have here anyway?
Stranger: i dont need your name and stats, just are you a dude or dudette?
You: im a dude
Stranger: serious?
You: yeah
Stranger: awesome
You: you
Stranger: a bona fide chick
You: haha
Stranger: just in a silly mood
You: what is a bona fide chick ?
Stranger: it means i am 100% girl
Stranger: all woman
Stranger: where ya from?
You: jakarta
You: you.??
Stranger: where is that?
Stranger: my geography isnt great
You: never heard indonesia..?
Stranger: oh yeah i heard of that place
You: you.?
Stranger: is it there?
Stranger: i am from the USA
You: ohh
You: what city.?
Stranger: well, texas to be precise
Stranger: u ever speak to americans?
You: guppy is a little fish right..?
Stranger: thats right!
Stranger: cute little things
You: the coloured tail.??
Stranger: i dont really have one and if i did and it spoke, i would be freaked out
Stranger: you have any pets??
You: yes before...
You: do you know beta fish..??
You: they are so cool....
Stranger: no, not heard of them
You: litlle and colourfull
Stranger: oh wow, just looked it up
Stranger: they are pretty awesome
You: yeah
You: i have one before
Stranger: So Mr J, how old are you?
You: im 21
You: you?
Stranger: no fair! your older than me!
Stranger: i'm only 16
You: im childish... is it fair.?? hahah
Stranger: yeah thats cool!
You: is it scarry if your guppy is eaten by your cat,,??
You: hahaha
Stranger: nah, he deserves it, he is lippy :)
You: whats your name.??
Stranger: claira
Stranger: you?
You: fajar
Stranger: hi fajar!
You: it is sunrise in english.. silly right.??
Stranger: is it?
Stranger: thats sweet!
You: yeah my mom named it coz i was born before the morning
Stranger: well, that is a lovely thought
Stranger: is it hot there?
You: yeah....
You: indonesia is in equator
You: tropic
You: what about texas.??
Stranger: south texas
You: is it winter.??
Stranger: it doesnt really get cold here
Stranger: we are quite nr mexico
You: ohh
You: do you have facebook anyway..??
Stranger: whats that?
You: social networking site
Stranger: i have a face and a book?! :s
You: hahahaha
You: you are funny
Stranger: i'm not really allowed on things like that, being that i am young still
Stranger: only just turned sweet 16 a month ago
You: ohh.. high school right..??
Stranger: uh huh
You: not going to school claira..?
Stranger: yeah i go to high school
You: what are you doin right now?
Stranger: stay there till 18
Stranger: right this second?
You: so you wanna leave.?
Stranger: i dont wanna leave no, stops me from helping my mom and dad at home!
Stranger: i like high school, i see my buddies and thats what i like
You: hahaha
Stranger: what do you do?
Stranger: i bet your real clever
You: i;m not
You: hahaha
Stranger: why not?
Stranger: you sound it
You: it is my email
You: really..?
Stranger: what do i need your email for?
Stranger: yeah really
You: hahaha
Stranger: i think if my pops knew i was emailing a 21 yr old guy he'd shoot me with his shot gun!
You: hahaha
Stranger: do you like talking to me then?
You: yeah i think you are funny
Stranger: does it not bother you i am 16?
Stranger: i can be kinda silly at times
You: me too
Stranger: you got a girlfriend then fajar?
You: yes
You: what about you claira..??
Stranger: would she not be upset if i emailed you?
Stranger: i do not have a girlfriend, no
Stranger: ;-)
You: we are just friend right.... i mean a boyfriend...
Stranger: i dont have one of them either
You: not to worry about finding boyriend
Stranger: wanna know what i look like??
You: he'll come someday
Stranger: sure he will
You: so
You: what you look like,.?
Stranger: um, i got blonde long hair, green eyes, i am 5 ft 8, slim/athletic build
Stranger: cute little nose :-)
Stranger: you?
You: nice
You: i'm got brown skin, black hair, black eyes.... but im not very tall.... 170 cm
You: i dont know in what is in feet?
Stranger: little bit shorter than me :)
You: hahaha
Stranger: like 5ft 6/7?
You: ohh... so .... i think you are the clever one... hahah
Stranger: maybe a little clever??
Stranger: but not einstein clever
You: ups.. i have to go now.. nice to talk with you claira...
Stranger: and you too fajar!! xx
You have disconnected.


Omegle conversation log 2009-09-28
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: nice mt you
You: meet.??
Stranger: yes
You: from.?
Stranger: korea.
You: oh
You: i'm indonesian
You: what time is it in korea.?
Stranger: asian..^^
You: yeah asian rocks...!!!!'
Stranger: PM:2:half
You: oh.. it's 12.00 in jakarta...
You: are you lived in seoul.?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: gang nam station
Stranger: do you know seoul?
You: a little bit.
You: what about the weather at there..??
You: it is winter already..?
Stranger: no
Stranger: this is fall
You: oh..
You: there's only 2 season in indonesia...
Stranger: summer and winter?
You: yeah.. there supposed to be a rain/winter season in here..
You: but el nino ruin all over
You: the drying season was more longer
Stranger: and smog?
You: no smog
Stranger: only dry?
Stranger: and rain day?
You: drying season and rainny season...
You: what a pity right..??
You: i've never see snow fall...
Stranger: oh~
Stranger: for korea
Stranger: 4 season a abvious
You: yeah.. i know...
You: btw how old are you.?
Stranger: im 23ys
Stranger: and you?
You: oh.. i'm 21... you are older than me... :)
Stranger: a ha
Stranger: 1989 birth?
You: 1988..
Stranger: to korea 21ys 1989 birth to say
You: what is your activities now..?? working or still at college..??
You: oh.. for korean i'm 22 right
Stranger: um.. this time a student on leave of absence
im working day...ha~
You: do you work and get college at the same time..?
Stranger: nono
Stranger: not college.
Stranger: in universty.
Stranger: and
Stranger: rest the school.
You: what major.?
Stranger: communication.
You: oh i see..
You: are you a girl.?
Stranger: broadcasting. comminication.
Stranger: no
Stranger: im boy
You: oh.. i'm boy also.. in indonesia's universities, the majority of communication is female.....
You: :D
Stranger: a right?
Stranger: we are half and half.
You: and most of comm. student are pretty.... hahaha. :D
You: for the female of course
Stranger: oh really?
Stranger: i see
Stranger: haha
You: graduate this year..??
Stranger: me?
Stranger: 1years and 1season.
You: i've just download korean movie yesterday but haven't to watch it..
You: yet
You: taegukgi cmiiw... is it good movie.?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: jang dong gun actor?
Stranger: and wonbin
You: i forget...
You: the war movie..
Stranger: ys
You: is it box office in korea.?
Stranger: yes over it
Stranger: 4ys ago.
You: ohh.. can you suggest me the other movie that you think is great..??
Stranger: um
Stranger: I think "old boy" is very good movie...
Stranger: But it is some psycological
Stranger: psycho-^^
You: is it thriller movie..?
Stranger: um...just psychotic and comic?
You: is it new released movie..??
Stranger: No, old boy is old movie^^
Stranger: about 5years?
You: ohh.
Stranger: It's one of the greatest movies of korea
You: oh..
Stranger: Which is your favorite movie genre?
You: war movie and comedy....
Stranger: a ha I got it
You: what about you.?
Stranger: I'm millitary maniac haha
You: i'm also like military thing
Stranger: As a millitary maniac, Tae guk ki ~~ is very good movie
You: i heard that Indonesia is gonna buy some korean subs right.?? the changbogo..??
Stranger: i don't konw that
You: have u ever going to indonesia.??
Stranger: no .
Stranger: ever been there.
You: bali is good for holiday...
Stranger: i know.
Stranger: korea make the drama in bali
You: yeah i have seen it.... but forgot the title...
You: in indonesia... korean tv drama is huge..
Stranger: right?
You: my younger sister was crazy about boys before flower...
Stranger: who.
You: the korean tv drama.... F4.....
You: maybe it's translated in eglish
Stranger: hanazawa rui?
You: yeah.. i think....
Stranger: he's in ss501.
Stranger: korea idol band
You: i don't know that.
Stranger: do you haave e-mail?
You: do you have facebook account.?
Stranger: no haven't
Stranger: you have?
You: yeah.. it's same with my email
Stranger: and me
Stranger: this is my mini homepage -
You: btw whats your name.?
Stranger: kim ji sung
You: are you park ji sung brother.??
You: just kidding
Stranger: NO
Stranger: he's art soccer player
You: "D
You: :D
Stranger: haha
Stranger: you face book adress??
Stranger: i can't
You: you have to register before
Stranger: really
Stranger: ?
Stranger: right adress??
You: yup
Stranger: i can't connect..
You: i don't know why...
You: it works on mine
Stranger: hm...
Stranger: my e-mail. adress.
Stranger: panpal friend? ok?
You: what is panpal.?
Stranger: penpal sorry.

You: ohh.... of course...
You: i have some work to do.....
You: i have to go...
Stranger: yes
You: bye kim..
You have disconnected.


Omegle conversation log 2009-09-28
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hola
Stranger: hi
Stranger: helo
You: hai
Stranger: where ar u come from?
You: indonesia for sure
You: you?
Stranger: sama donk
Stranger: hehe
You: haha
You: anak mana.?
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: akhirnya dapet juga yg senegara
Stranger: anak mama
Stranger: hehee
Stranger: aq dari bandung
Stranger: kamu?
You: gw buitenzorg aka bogor
You: cuma tinggal di depok
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: jauh2 amat yah klo gitu
You: cewe apa cowo nih..??
Stranger: maunya cewe apa cowo?
Stranger: keliatannya gimana?
You: bukan maho kan.?
Stranger: dari kata2nya gimana?
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: masa ga keliatan si
You: takutnya cewe jadi2an....
Stranger: haha
Stranger: mana ada cewe jadi2an
Stranger: aq cewek
You: yakin..?
Stranger: alias perempuan
Stranger: percaya
Stranger: tanyain coba sama ibu aq klo ga percaya
You: haha.. :D
Stranger: asl?
You: umurnya berapa neng..?
Stranger: eh maksudnya age
Stranger: 23
Stranger: u?
You: gw 21
You: cowo
Stranger: ok deh
You: halo mbak
You: hehehe
Stranger: ih meni mbak
Stranger: ky apa ajah
You: kuliah apa kerja..?
Stranger: kerja
Stranger: kmu?
You: kerja juga tapi maau kul lagi ngambil ekstensi
Stranger: oh gitu
Stranger: aq jg sama?
You: dulu cuma d3
You: lulusan mana.?
Stranger: sama
Stranger: aq dulu juga d3
Stranger: kamu?
Stranger: dari polban
You: dari stan
Stranger: wahh cool
Stranger: bukannya stan tuh ikatan dinas yah
Stranger: berarti udah langsung dapet kerja dunk yah
You: ah biasa aja... polban kan lebih mantep...
You: polban adeknya itb kan.?
You: iya udah kerja
Stranger: dulunya dibawahnya itb
Stranger: tapi sekarang udah ngga lagi
Stranger: seakrang berdiri sendiri
Stranger: hmm.....tergantung c..klo emang rejekinya mantep ya mantep
Stranger: klo ngga mah ya tetep w...kerjanya ngegantung
Stranger: heheh
You: kerja dimana?
Stranger: di teknik industri
Stranger: aq kerja di itb
Stranger: jadi teknisi
Stranger: hehe
You: boong.
Stranger: merangkap administrasi
You: jadi asdos ya.??
Stranger: lohh boong gimana
You: ooo
Stranger: emang bener
You: udah nikah.??
Stranger: belum
Stranger: tapi mau nikah
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: pengennya c
You: ya iyalah semua orang juga mau nikah. :P
You: heheh
Stranger: heheeh
You: saya cariin cewek itb dong...
Stranger: yag\h mudah2an segera deh
Stranger: heheh
You: hahaha
You: :D
Stranger: kmu gmn?
Stranger: heheh..
Stranger: emang di STAN gada yg cakep2
You: stan ceweknya dikit
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: pastinya sexy2 kli cewenya
Stranger: iyah c...tapi kan dikit dikit juga mantap
Stranger: hehehe
You: sekelas saya aja dari 36, cuma 6 ceweknya
You: parah ga tuh
Stranger: oh gitu
Stranger: hmm..biasa ajah..hehehe.
Stranger: aq juga dulu gaulnya banyak ma cowo
Stranger: secara jurusannya cowo banget
Stranger: jadi biasa aja..heheh
You: wow... tomboy yah.?
Stranger: hmm..dulu iyah
You: tapi normal kan.?
You: haha
Stranger: seakrang udah ngga
You: berarti dulu iya.??
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: ga tomboy2 amat c
Stranger: heheh
You: rambutnya pendek yah..??
Stranger: cuman rada menjauh dari sisi wanitanya
You: kaya cowok.?
Stranger: hmm...dulu iyah
Stranger: klo sekarang udah di kerudung
Stranger: hehe
You: sekarang botak.?????????
You: oohhhh
You: jilbabers toh
Stranger: iyah
Stranger: nanya dunk
You: apa.?
Stranger: Proyek Penggantian Axle Counter untuk Fungsi Blok
Stranger: terjemahan yg bagus apa yah?
You: axle counter makanan apaan.???
Stranger: kata2 yg bagusnya
Stranger: itu teh judul makalah
Stranger: hmm..ihh bukan makanan
Stranger: judul tugas akhir mahasiswa...
You: just kidding
Stranger: tapi aq disuruh ngerekap judulnya pake english
Stranger: saking kebanyakannya jadi mulek aq
Stranger: heheheh
You: asli bandung?
Stranger: hooh
Stranger: jadi terjemahannya apaan?
Stranger: hehe..bantuin dunk.....
Stranger: hehehe
You: Axle Counter Replacement For Block Function Project
You: aneh ga.?
Stranger: hmm...
Stranger: iya kali yah..
You: atau The Project of Axle Counter Replacement For Block Function
Stranger: didoain deh biar cepet dapet cewe
Stranger: hehe..makasih yah
Stranger: waaaa.....keren banget deh....
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: kayanya enakan yg pertama deh
You: punya fb ga mbak
You: ??
Stranger: ada
Stranger: xxxxxxxxx@yahoo/com
Stranger: sekalian cari 2 tuh kali aja ada cewe2 yg cantik2
Stranger: hehehe
You: tau aja
You: haha
Stranger: klo kamu?
Stranger: hehe..dasar
Stranger: mau dunk
Stranger: hehe...
You: udah saya add
Stranger: oke deh
Stranger: nice to know u yah
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: temen aq juga ada yg di stan
You: spesialisasi apaan mbak
Stranger: hmmm..dia di bagian apa yah...pajak gitu yah
Stranger: lagi ga kerja?
Stranger: namanya sapa?
You: saya fajar
Stranger: met kenal fajar
You: kerja lah mbak...
You: tapi lagi sepi kerjaan
Stranger: kenapa atuh malah chating
You: hahaha
Stranger: dirimu spesialisasinya apa?
You: Kebendaharaan negara (treasury)
Stranger: wahh....sukses yah
Stranger: semangat....
You: lah mbak ngapain di omegle.?
Stranger: hehe....maksudnya belajar bahasa inggris
You: cari cowok bule yah?
Stranger: tapi perasaan yg kena
Stranger: malah orang korea melulu
Stranger: hahaha...
You: iya sama
Stranger: huu...ngga ah
Stranger: cowo bule mah......takut
Stranger: hehehe
You: saya juga bwt ningkatin bhasa linggis
Stranger: hmm..yakinlah...
Stranger: dirimumah b.inggrisnya pasti bagus
Stranger: hehehe
You: ngga
Stranger: kamumah ...mending buat nyari cewe
Stranger: hehe....
Stranger: hmm..cewe korea ajah..cantik2
Stranger: hehehehe
You: tapi operasian semua
You: entar berjemur dikit langsung lumer lagi.....??
Stranger: semuanya kali
Stranger: hahahha
Stranger: ya ngga lah..
Stranger: ato ga orang australi
Stranger: hmm....ato ga..udah aja yg deket lag
Stranger: hehehehe
Stranger: orang indonesia
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: biar ga mahal kalo ngapel
You: di itb banyak akhwat ga mbak
Stranger: alhamdulilah banyak
Stranger: sok atuh maen ke itb
Stranger: hehehe..
You: hahaha
Stranger: emang mau tipe cewe kaya gimana?
Stranger: hmmm...karena temen cowo aq banyak..jadi mereka pada minta dicariin
Stranger: hmmmm..bersabarlah...hehehe
You: standar lah mbak..
Stranger: lagian klo cowomah...
Stranger: nyantei aja
You: cantik n baik
Stranger: mending nyari duit dulu yg banyak
Stranger: hehehehe
You: iya sih
Stranger: bisa milih
Stranger: klo udah mantep
You: kul lagi di itb ya?
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: ngga
Stranger: aq kuliah lagi di ST INTEN
Stranger: nyeberang jurusan
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: mudah2an bisa berjalan baik
You: ngambil apaan?
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: tek informatika
Stranger: hmm....sebenernya ga bisa2 amat c
Stranger: cuman seneng
Stranger: hehehe
You: wew jago it dong.?
Stranger: hehehehe
Stranger: jadi klo ada kemauan insyallah bisa lancar
Stranger: jago2 amat
Stranger: tapi klo ngetik2 di word sih bisa
Stranger: ehehehehehhehe
You: halah pura2 nih
Stranger: emang kenapa?
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: munanya apa?
Stranger: klo bisa dibantu
Stranger: ntar dibantuin
You: itb masih mahal ga.??
Stranger: hehehehe
Stranger: asal jangan lupa traktirannya
Stranger: wahhhhhh...
Stranger: mahal banget itb c
Stranger: apalagi sekarang ada ujian khusus
You: ekstensinya brp.??
Stranger: jadi disana sapa yg gede sumbangannya dia yg menang
Stranger: disini gada ekstensi
Stranger: ga nerima ekstensi
Stranger: dll
Stranger: ga kaya UI..
Stranger: ngambil ekstensi dima
Stranger: dimana?
You: yang duitnya banyak doang dong yang bisa masuk
Stranger: yup
You: saya ngambil ipb
Stranger: betull
You: baru daftar
Stranger: jadi kebayang dunk..mahasiswa2nya begaya semua
Stranger: ohh...gitu
Stranger: sok atuh didoain
Stranger: biar masuk
Stranger: biar jadi orang sukses
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: amin
You: hedon juga disana mbak.?
Stranger: hedon tuh apa?
You: mahasiswanya yang borju2 gitu
You: hahah
You: UI juga mahal
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: gaull soalnya aq
Stranger: heheheh
Stranger: ui juga mahal
Stranger: ahh...lagian sekarang
Stranger: gada yg murah
Stranger: kuliah ato sekolah
Stranger: apa2 juga bayar
Stranger: hmmm...buang air kecil juga mesti bayar 1000
Stranger: hehehehe
Stranger: gada yg gratis
You: kan sekolah gratis kata iklan [gubrakkkk]
Stranger: hehehe
You: kalo disini ngaku dari Indo ga.??
Stranger: hmmm..iyah
You: sering di DC ga.?
Stranger: biar aman
Stranger: hehehe...
Stranger: hehehe...
Stranger: klo fajar?
Stranger: hmmm..betul
Stranger: sering banget
Stranger: tapi yah gpp lah...
Stranger: kan cuman iseng2 berhadiah
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: pulang jam berapa?
You: biasanya yang enak orang mana aja sih.?
You: jam 5
Stranger: yg enak???
Stranger: hmmm...
Stranger: yang pasti c..orang indonesia
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: yg kedua...hmm..mungkin orang jepang kali yah
Stranger: dulu aq kenal ma orang jepang
Stranger: dia seru ngobrolnya...
You: jarang banget dpt jepang saya
You: korea sering
Stranger: hmmm......baru hari ini...sering banget dapet orang korea
Stranger: plus dia ga bisa english lagi
Stranger: haaahhh...gubrag deh
You: iya emang
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: lagi sibuk?
You: trus ngomong bhs korea.?
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: yah meneketehe
Stranger: kaga ngarti dia ngomong apaan
You: entar dikerjain lo
Stranger: hmmmm....
Stranger: diajak bahasa inggris malah....what?what?
You: dikasih kata2 jorok
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: emang lampu......5 watt
Stranger: hehe..yah makanya untung ga ngerti
You: tadi saya ama orang lithuania begono
You: haha
Stranger: trus
You: saya pake google translate
You: saya katain balik.... wakakaka
Stranger: hahahhahahahahahhahaa
Stranger: betul betul
Stranger: sama
Stranger: ternyata....
Stranger: heheeheheh
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: pernah dapet juga orang california
Stranger: hhmmmmmmmmmm........
Stranger: tapinya aq disconectin
Stranger: hehehe..soalnya tingkat tinggi uy
You: wkwkwkw
You: apanya.?
Stranger: hehehe...masih belum mantep
Stranger: hehehehehhehe
You: diajak nikah.?
Stranger: englishnya
Stranger: bukan
Stranger: maksudnya
Stranger: kaga ngerti bahasa inggrisnya tingkat tinggi
Stranger: begono
Stranger: heheheheh
Stranger: kmu...kenapa ga mendisconect aq?
Stranger: hehehehe...
Stranger: biasanya kan suka langsung di DC
Stranger: hehehe
You: yang gemuk pake kacamata item pacarnya ya mbak.??
You: wakakakka
Stranger: hahahahhaa
Stranger: ssssssssssssssssssssstttt
Stranger: jangan ketawa
Stranger: dasar
You: huahhahahahha
Stranger: huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Stranger: gitu2 juga calon tau
Stranger: dasar
Stranger: gakan aq undang ntar pas aq nikah
Stranger: hehehehhee
You: ampun
Stranger: haha..dasar
Stranger: punya adik cewe
You: ada fbnya.?
Stranger: hmmm...klo dia blum punya pacar
Stranger: udah aq kenalin
Stranger: hehehhee
You: jangan2 bayi
Stranger: haha..ya ngga lah
Stranger: liat di sibling aqnya
Stranger: namanya axxxxa sxxxxxxi
Stranger: coba cari
Stranger: hmmm....temen2nya tuh cantik2
Stranger: hehehehe
Stranger: anak2 gaul gimana gitu loch
Stranger: hehehe
You: masa.?
Stranger: betul
You: anak mana mbak.?
Stranger: dia sekarang masih kuliah di itenas
Stranger: ambil arsitek
You: wew arsitek wanita
Stranger: gaya kan
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: iyahh
You: adeknya kok ga jilbabers juga mbak.?
Stranger: hmm..dia beda
Stranger: hmmm.....anak gaul
Stranger: hehehe
You: rumah di bandung?
Stranger: iyah
Stranger: fajar2
You: kotanya.?
Stranger: kamu ko mirip ma temen aq yah
Stranger: heheheh
Stranger: yah kota bandung
Stranger: emang di bandung ada kota lagi
You: gambar saya kan kartun disitu.??
Stranger: tapi aq kan bisa liat fotonya
Stranger: jago kan
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: hmmm...
You: hehehe
Stranger: hehehehhee
You: mbak.. mata2in saya yah.??
You: heheh
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: kan pengen tau juga
Stranger: jadi biar ga malu2in klo ngenalin ke temen cewe
Stranger: hehehehe
You: mirip siapa.?/
Stranger: di kampus aq yg sekrang banyak tuh cewe2 muda
Stranger: hehehehe
Stranger: mirip temen ada deh
Stranger: pasti ga kenal
Stranger: heheheheh
You: enak aja malu2in..
Stranger: hehehehhee
Stranger: ada YM ga>
Stranger: biar bisa ngorbol lewat ym
Stranger: hehehe
You: tapi jarang ol
Stranger: oh gitu
You: soalnya di blok kantor
You: hahahaha
Stranger: hmmm.....
Stranger: hehehehehhe
Stranger: keseringan kerja juga ga baik loch
Stranger: hahahahhahahahaha
Stranger: baguss
You: kalo gtalk sering
Stranger: yah jangan pake YM dunk
Stranger: chatnya lewat email ajah
Stranger: oh punya juga gmail
Stranger: aq addd di gmailnya
You: dah... mbak rasti
You: bye bye
You: di save kalo lupa emailnya hahahha
You have disconnected.

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